Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The 48th Annual Eddie Conners Awards Presentation

-The Eddie Conners Award-

Eddie Conners, a citizen of Terre Haute, dedicated his life to the encouragement of young men to become good, clean athletes. Eddie regularly visited every playing field in the community where he would share his time, mentorship, and advice to the young playing games. He was able to encourage and inspire these boys to work hard at improving their game, and their character.

The award was established in 1962 by Jim Hollis, Sid Levin, and Paul Mascari, who wanted to provide a suitable memorial to the a man who gave freely of himself, bettered his community, the people in it, died penniless and was buried in a paupers grave. One male and one female 8th grade student-athlete may be nominated by each County Middle School to receive the award.

-The Criteria for the Award-
Character: Sportsmanship, Respect for rules, Loyalty, Courtesy
Personal Development: Working with younger children, Athletic ablility, Mental ability, Motivation, Scholarship

2010 Eddie Conners Award Recipients

Back: Charles Kindrick, Kiwanis; Danny Tanoos, VCSC Superintendant; Chauncey Rose student; Jack Harbaugh, Honey Creek; Otter Creek student; Adam LaGrange, St. Pat's; Sarah Scott student, West Vigo student; Jacob Johnson, Woodrow Wilson; Mayor Duke Bennett
Front: Chauncey Rose student; Kylie Fredrick, Honey Creek; Miss Curley, Otter Creek; Miss Howes, St. Pat's; West Vigo student; Woodrow Wilson student

Ms. Harlan, HCMS Athletic Director; Jack Harbaugh; Kylie Fredrick; Mr. Sheehan, HCMS Principal

Kylie; Mr. Tanoos, Vigo County School Superintendant; Jack

Jack and Jacob
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