Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fall of the Ginko Leaf

The Ginko Tree is fascinating. The beautiful leaves this tree produces move toward a wonderful shade of yellow in the Fall. Then, unannounced, the leaves proceed to eject themselves all at roughly the same time. It is incredible to see the leaves on the tree one minute only to look back a few moments later...and they're gone!

I just happened to be at home, with the camera, when the tree started to let go of her leaves. This picture does not capture the experience of the leaves coming down, the site and sound of the event, but it does capture the journey of one solitary leaf falling gracefully to her destiny. You can find her at right-center-bottom, waving goodbye.
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1 comment:

Jim Cota said...

Interesting that you'd post this... I was outside the other night, it was late and very cold. Just before I turned to go back in the house, I heard what sounded like squirrels chasing each other around the trunk of a tree. (Can't really think of any other way to describe it.) Since the sound was coming from across the street, I walked to the end of the driveway to see if I could figure out what was going on.

As I stood at the driveway's end, I realized the sound I was hearing where the leaves being jettisoned from the gingko tree across the street. I was dumbfounded... 42 years on this messed up planet and had never remembered hearing leaves falling from a tree. Unbelievable.

I stood listening until the cold finally got the better of me and then went back in house.